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The Modern Village Blog

Sharing my real life experiences, peeling back the curtain of perfection and diving into the honest struggles that we all face as parents

Inspiration & Insight for fellow Moms

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Minimalistic Beauty for Hot Summer Days: SeneGence Staples Every Mom Needs

Summer is here, moms, and it’s time to embrace a minimalistic makeup routine that keeps you looking fresh and fabulous all season long. If you’re a fan of SeneGence products, here are some summer staples to incorporate into your minimalistic makeup routine: As busy moms, we all want to look and feel our best without […]

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Calling all Moms Detectives Need a well-deserved escape from the chaos of mom life? Look no further than the captivating world of podcasts! Whether you’re folding laundry, driving the kids to soccer practice, or sneaking in a moment of relaxation during nap time, podcasts are the perfect companion for busy moms like us. Podcasts have […]

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Got summer vacation plans on the brain? I feel you! But let’s be real, packing can really suck the fun out of it, right? Well, guess what? I’ve got timeless tips that’ll make your life so much easier! Introducing the 3-Bag Rule: As moms, we know we need to be prepared for anything. So, here’s […]

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Hold the phone a minute here…Moms! Can we take a moment to point out that a SMALL HUMAN is learning how to do all their human-ing just by watching us!? Like WHAT!? It’s mind-blowing and humbling to realize that our children are absorbing every action, every word, and every choice we make. They are observing […]

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Rain, rain, go away! Sometimes the weather has other plans, and we find ourselves stuck indoors with our little ones. While it can be challenging to keep everyone entertained and maintain our sanity, there’s a silver lining to these rainy days. It’s an opportunity to create special moments and make memories right in the comfort […]

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Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, stressed, or burnt out. We live in a fast-paced world where we’re constantly connected and plugged in. But here’s a gentle reminder: almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a while, including YOU. We often underestimate the power of taking a break, disconnecting from […]

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Cut. Edit. Rewind. Fast Forward. Repeat. COMPLETE. Listen, I wish as much as the next person that life was that easy…but sometimes it is! While we can’t erase moments or pause the best memories, we can intentionally shape our lives to be the best they can be. As a self-reflective being, I regularly take time […]

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Parenthood is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with incredible highs and daunting challenges. Amidst the beautiful chaos of raising children, it’s easy for couples to feel disconnected and overwhelmed. However, acknowledging the vulnerability that comes with this journey and actively working on staying connected is vital for both your relationship and your family’s well-being. In […]

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Imagine this: I had spent four years in Charlottesville, VA, delivering and raising my little ones. I had built an amazing network of support and community. It was my village, you know? I had my people, my tribe, and it felt like home. But then, the time had come for my husband’s job to relocate […]

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Welcome! As a mom of three, I know firsthand how crazy and overwhelming motherhood can be. That’s why I created this space – to offer support and share my experiences with other moms out there. But this blog is more than just a one-way conversation. I really believe in the power of community and want […]

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