Parenting Pointers

Mastering the Skies with Kids: A Guide to Surviving Air Travel with Children

July 14, 2023

Hey there, fellow moms! Let’s face it—flying with children can feel like a Herculean task. The thought of keeping our little ones entertained, managing their needs, and ensuring a smooth journey can be overwhelming. But fear not! With a little planning and some tried-and-true strategies, you can survive the air travel journey to your family vacation destination. So grab a cup of coffee (or maybe a glass of wine), and let’s dive into this mom-to-mom guide on how to conquer the skies with your kiddos in tow.

  1. Plan Ahead: Be the Super Planner Mom!

You know we moms are pros at planning, and flying with kids is no exception. Start by choosing an airline that goes the extra mile for families. Look for those that offer kid-friendly amenities, like special meals and pre-boarding assistance. Research the airports you’ll be passing through and check if they have family-friendly facilities like play areas or nursing rooms. Being prepared with all these details will help you feel more confident and in control.

  1. Pack Smart: Channel Your Inner Mary Poppins!

Remember that magical bag of tricks Mary Poppins carried? Well, it’s time to pack your own version. Think ahead and pack extra snacks (because kids are always hungry, right?), their favorite comfort items (like their beloved blankie or stuffed animal), and a change of clothes (just in case spills or accidents happen). Don’t forget essentials like diapers, wipes, and any medications your little ones might need. Having everything easily accessible will save you from rummaging through your bag in moments of chaos.

  1. Entertainment on the Fly: Let’s Keep Those Kids Busy!

Let’s be real—keeping our kids entertained is the key to a peaceful flight. Load up your tablet or smartphone with their favorite shows, movies, or interactive apps. Pro tip: invest in child-friendly headphones so you won’t have to endure Paw Patrol blaring through the cabin. Additionally, pack some coloring books, sticker sets, or small travel games that can grab their attention and keep their little hands busy. Trust me, these distractions are worth their weight in gold.

Surviving the Trip: In-Flight Fun: Top Toys and Games for Kids on Airplanes

  1. Snack Attack: Save the Day with Yummy Treats!

Hangry kids are no fun, so make sure you’re equipped with a variety of snacks to save the day. Go for healthy options like pre-cut fruits, granola bars, or bite-sized sandwiches. Oh, and let’s not forget the magical powers of chewing gum or lollipops during takeoff and landing—those can help ease any ear pressure discomfort. Remember, a well-fed child is a happy child (and a happy mom too)!

  1. Stretch and Move: Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle!

We all know that sitting for hours on end can be a challenge for our little wiggle worms. Encourage them to stretch and move whenever possible. Take regular walks up and down the aisles, do some simple stretching exercises, or engage in gentle games like “Simon Says” to keep their bodies active and prevent restlessness. Let’s get those wiggles out and make the most of the confined space!

  1. Time it Right: Timing is Everything!

When it comes to choosing your flight, timing is everything. Consider your child’s sleep patterns and aim for flights that align with their natural sleep or nap schedules. While red-eye flights may seem tempting, they can disrupt routines and make everyone cranky. So, try to find a balance between convenience and maintaining a sense of normalcy for your little ones.

  1. Communicate and Engage: Talk it Out!

Our kids thrive on communication and involvement, so don’t forget to talk to them about the upcoming journey. Explain what to expect during the flight, involve them in decision-making processes, and empower them with a sense of control. Let them choose their travel toys or snacks, and listen to their thoughts and concerns. By including them in the process, you’ll reduce anxiety and make them feel like active participants.

  1. Stay Calm and Positive: You’ve Got This!

Remember, mom, you set the tone for the journey. Stay calm and positive throughout the experience. Children pick up on our emotions, so if you’re relaxed and composed, they’re more likely to follow suit. Take deep breaths, embrace any challenges with a smile, and remember that you are a superhero capable of conquering any flight turbulence that comes your way.

So there you have it, fellow moms—a mom-to-mom guide to surviving air travel with children. With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be ready to take on the skies with confidence and grace. Embrace the adventure, make memories along the way, and remember that you’re not alone in this journey. We’ve got each other’s backs. Safe travels!

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